
Associate Features Editor

Senior Editor, Internet Development

Art Director

Associate Art Director

Copy Chief

Managing Editor

Online Editor

Online Managing Editor

Assistant Online Editor


ZD Internet Magazine

Melanie McMullen is the Editor-In-Chief of ZD Internet Magazine, a monthly magazine published by Ziff Davis Publishing Co. in San Francisco, CA. ZD Internet Magazine is a paid circulation magazine written for Internet communicators -- the power buyers of Internet products interested in critical analysis of new technologies, and proven techniques for creating and maintaining the best Websites on both sides of the firewall. McMullen is responsible for the overall content, appearance, and strategic direction of ZD Internet Magazine as well as the electronic counterpart, ZD Internet MegaSite, which will launch in October 1996.
Before joining ZD Internet Magazine, Melanie McMullen served as Editor-In-Chief of LAN Magazine and its quarterly supplement, Interoperability. The magazines provide sophisticated, technical and product information to network managers and IS managers who build, design, and manage interoperable LANs, WANS, and intranets. In '95, she launched LAN:WEB, the magazine's website. McMullen was also editorial director of the quarterly newsletter, Net Gains--Career Strategies for Network Professionals and the technical program director for the LAN Magazine Remote Access Conference.
A seven-year computer industry veteran, McMullen has written hundreds of technical articles on networking. In addition to LAN Magazine, Interop, and LAN:WEB, her technology stories have been published in Macworld, Cadence, and the Computer Security Institute Report. She is one of the co-authors of the Price Waterhouse Technology Forecast for 1996. She is also the editor of two books, Networks 2000 and Network Remote Access and Mobile Computing. McMullen appears regularly on panels at industry conferences and has spoken on the topics of TCP/IP, firewalls, the Internet, and network operating systems.

Associate Features Editor
ZD Internet Magazine

As the Associate Features Editor for ZD Internet Magazine, Lori Piquet manages the magazine's corps of freelance writers. By assigning feature stories and working closely with authors, Piquet create's a balance of high-quality editorial content for each issue, including product reviews, new technologies, and technical strategies for advanced Internet and intranet communicators.
Piquet also coordinates and writes for the magazine's monthly Website MakeOver section. She evaluates potential sites for design makeovers and recruits the premier electronic design professionals in the world, pairing them to create examples of the most effective and engaging ways to design and publish on the Web.
Piquet came to the position from San Francisco-based Miller Freeman Inc., where she began as copy editor and was later promoted to Associate Features Editor for LAN Magazine, Interoperability magazine, and the annual LAN Buyers Guide. While there, Piquet contributed several feature stories for the titles and edited for LAN Magazine's online counterpart, LAN:WEB, and its quarterly newsletter, Net Gains-Career Strategies for Network Professionals.
Piquet earned her bachelor's degree in journalism at California State University, Chico, where she participated in the editorial direction of the weekly campus newspaper, The Orion, holding, at different times, the positions of Features Editor, Opinion Editor, Senior Writer, and Assistant News Editor. She also contributed to the campus magazine, Impulse. Piquet was recognized twice by the California Intercollegiate Press Association, receiving a first-place award for feature reporting and a second-place award for humor writing. In 1993 she was named Outstanding Graduate of the Year by the local chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.

Senior Editor, Internet Development
ZD Internet Magazine

John manages our DevTools section, which covers products for designing and building Internet applications, code components and Web pages.
Before joining ZD Internet Magazine, John Pallatto worked 12 years at PC Week, including more than three years as the newspapers West Coast Bureau Chief. He also managed PC Week's Application Development section, which covers programming languages, operating systems, and the rapidly expanding market for Internet development tools.
John Pallatto is co-author with Gina Smith of Building Applications with ToolBook, a hands-on manual for building Windows applications with Asymetrix Corps ToolBook development system that was published by Brady Books.
John has nearly 20 years of experience as a journalist, having worked for nine years as a reporter and bureau chief with the Hartford Courant Newspaper in Hartford, CT before joining PC Week. He is a graduate of the University of Connecticut where he studied English and journalism.

Art Director
ZD Internet Magazine

Patricia McGovern is the Art Director for ZD Internet Magazine and its Website, ZD Internet MegaSite, published by Ziff Davis Publishing Co. of San Francisco. McGovern is responsible for the overall design of both publications and the management of the talented design staff. Her work on the magazine requires her to create and maintain a dynamic graphical style that is consistent with the editorial goals of the staff. For the Website, McGovern uses creative design styles and new technology to make the ZD Internet MegaSite the new standard in the constantly changing environment of the Internet.
McGovern worked previously as an Art Director for McGraw-Hill publishing at both Open Computing magazine and Women In Computing newsletter, giving each publication a unique and innovative appearance.
A New York native, McGovern began her career designing for a New York ad agency before making the change of location and vocation to San Francisco and the high-tech publishing industry.
She earned a bachelor of fine arts degree at New York's School of Visual Arts where she discovered her love of graphical design.

Associate Art Director
ZD Internet Magazine

Robert Perino is the Associate Art Director for ZD Internet Magazine. Under the guidance of the Art Director, Perino is responsible for the design on the print side of the magazine, hiring of illustrators and photographers, tracking of all art as well as any art production issues that may arise.
Recently transplanted from New York, where he was the Assistant Art Director for New York Magazine, Perino brings a bit of that New York style and weekly publication energy to the magazine.
Perino graduated from the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan with a bachelors degree in Graphic Design.

Copy Chief
ZD Internet Magazine

Andrea W. LaMattina, Copy Chief, comes to ZD Internet Magazine with a broad background in editorial production. For the past nine years, she worked for San Francisco-based Miller Freeman Inc., where she served as managing editor for nine healthcare magazines targeting primary care, radiology, and the socioeconomic aspects of medicine.
While at Miller Freeman, LaMattina was involved in the successful launch of three magazines, including one covering the emerging telemedicine and telehealth industry. She also played a key role in the creation and maintenance of two websites.
LaMattina earned a bachelor's degree in journalism from University of Missouri in Columbia.

Managing Editor
ZD Internet Magazine

As Managing Editor for ZD Internet Magazine, Chris Zender supervises the day-to-day operations of the magazine's production. It is her responsibility to manage the editorial staff and to create and maintain the foundation that supports a smoothly operating team. Her position is the hub for the entire staff and makes her a liaison for the smooth communication and flow of traffic between the edit, production, advertising, and art departments. Zender works daily to ensure that the magazine's editorial content is produced and published on time and that each element of the printed product meets the highest level of excellence. She also manages and maintains the editorial budgets for the staff, ensuring that the magazine meets its financial goals each month.
Zender has worked in publishing for eight years. A Los Angeles native, she spent six years with Los Angeles based Petersen Publishing, where she was Managing Editor of Dirt Rider Magazine. During her tenure at Dirt Rider the magazine doubled its ad pages and increased circulation to 185,000 printed issues per month. She moved to San Francisco in 1994 to work for Infotainment World Books, a subsidiary of IDG Publishing that produces books on computer and video games, where she managed, coordinated, and edited several recent titles, including The Dig Official Player's Guide, Afterlife Official Player's Guide, and Cheats! The Official Guide to SNES and Genesis.
Zender attended the University of Southern California, where she earned a bachelor's degree in English.

Online Editor
ZD Internet MegaSite

As the Online Editor of ZD Internet Magazine, Albert Pang is in charge of the editorial and production quality of the Website. Overseeing a staff of Web programmers, editors and reporters, the award-winning Pang aims to establish the ZD Internet Magazine MegaSite as an indespensable informational tool for Internet designers and corporate developers. In addition to producing comprehensive news reports and original articles about the Internet and the intranet, Pang also contributes heavily to the development of news and feature departments of the print publication.
With 10 years of experience as a computer journalist, Pang has written numerous stories about the upheavals in the PC industry. In fact, one of his articles about the turmoil in the distribution division of IBM Corp. won him the Best News Story award from the Computer Press Association in 1988.
Before Pang joined ZD Internet Magazine, he worked almost 10 years at CMP Media, Inc. where he helped catapult CMPs Computer Reseller News into one of the leading computer publications in the country. His last assignment at CMP was acting as the Managing Editor of CRN Online, overseeing a staff of seven reporters on the West Coast. His 1995 investigation piece on Intel Corp's nascent motherboard division underscored the impact of the chip giant's ruthless strategy on thousands of board suppliers around the world.
A frequent speaker on the computer marketplace, Pang has been quoted in publications such as the Los Angeles Times. He has also held a number of advisory positions at industry organizations. He was a judge for the Computer Press Association in 1996. A graduate of the University of Southern California, Pang lives in San Francisco.

Online Managing Editor
ZD Internet MegaSite

As the Online Managing Editor of ZD Internet Magazine's MegaSite, Keith Nichols manages the day-to-day operations of the website's production. It is his responsibility to manage the editorial staff and to create and maintain a smooth flow between the website's editorial, production and art departments. Nichols will also write and edit stories for the ZD Internet MegaSite, and is co-directing the online development strategy for the MegaSource library of Internet Business products. As Online Managing Editor, Nichols also works closely with the Online Editor in the website's development and evolution of features and content, and to ensure that editorial excellence is maintained.
Before joining ZD Internet Magazine, Nichols worked as Production/Online Editor for Los Altos-based Staffing Industry Analysts, Inc., a business publishing company which publishes magazine and twice-monthly executive report. During his stint with Staffing Industry Analysts, Inc., Nichols was trained by a MacHunter network specialist in maintaining and managing the company's website. Prior to Staffing Industry Analysts, Nichols worked several years as an Editor-in-Chief for a Berkeley-based publishing company, overseeing its editorial, production and design staff, as well as managing the department's budgeting, direction, and marcom materials for its other divisions, which included seminars, a tour company, a catering company and a bookstore. During his career, Nichols has also worked as an editor and writer for various newspapers, and magazines, as well as overseas with an educational publishing company based in South America.
Nichols earned his bachelor's degree in English Literature at Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo, California. He has received numerous academic awards, including Life membership in the California Scholarship Federation and the National Honor Society. He resides in Mill Valley, California.

Assistant Online Editor
ZD Internet MegaSite

As the Assistant Online Editor of ZD Internet Magazine, Ben Elgin writes and edits stories for the ZD Internet Magazine's MegaSite. Additionally, Elgin spearheads content development for the MegaSite Demo Library and contributes extensively to the site's key MegaSource feature.
Before joining ZD Internet Magazine, Elgin worked as Production Editor for the San Diego-based Internet start-up company Go Explore. During his year with Go Explore, Elgin developed expertise in many aspects of Web development, while helping to grow the company into an award-winning travel site.
Elgin earned his bachelor's degree in communications at the University of California San Diego, where he worked extensively with the school's twice-weekly newspaper, the Guardian. During his two-year stay at the Guardian, Elgin held several positions, including Senior Writer and Associate News Editor.

ZD Internet MegaSite

A native of Connecticut, Rob Condit is the Webmaster for ZD Internet Magazine's MegaSite. Since his arrival, Condit has been a key player in the Web team's creation of a database-oriented HTML delivery system, the site's ergonomic design, and in the development of reliable back-end technologies.
Condit, who obtained his undergraduate degree in Political Science at California State University at Northridge, has worked in publishing in positions ranging from researcher, to writer, to graphic designer, to printing manager, as well as having authored three publications for US Labor Services and a software tutorial for Granville Software Publishing.
Joining the online industry, Condit cut his Internet teeth at Luckman Interactive, Inc., a small Los Angeles-based software company. As Luckman's Webmaster and only full-time web developer, Condit had the unique experience of managing a website through its development, launch and regular management. With an eye on innovation, Condit brought emerging technologies like audio streaming and GIF animation to Luckman's website visitors.
Condit now brings his web developer skills to the MegaSite, where visitors will have access to the latest technologies and real Internet solutions. As Webmaster, Condit's mission is to ensure that the MegaSite not only provides the latest information regarding cutting-edge Internet technologies, but delivers them as well.

Copyright (c) 1996 ZD NET. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of ZD NET is prohibited. ZD Internet Magazine, ZD Internet Magazine MegaSite, ZD MegaSource and their respective logos are trademarks of Ziff-Davis Publishing.